Anti Doping

Our Anti-Doping Rules 

All athletes have the right to compete in sport knowing that they, and their competitors, are clean. The use of performance-enhancing drugs and doping activity severely damages the legacy of sport and undermines the integrity of true athletes. 

Anti-doping is integral to clean sport. As an athlete, it’s important you are clued up on the anti-doping rules so that you can continue to enjoy and achieve success in your sport. 

UK Anti-Doping is the national body responsible for protecting clean sport in the UK. They ensure that sports bodies in the UK comply with the World Anti-Doping Code which governs clean sport.  


What are the Rules?

The World Anti-Doping Code outlines 11 Anti-Doping Rule Violations (ADRVs) which govern clean sport. They are:

Apply to athletes only 

  • Presence
  • Use or Attempted Use
  • Evading, Refusing or Failing to Submit to Sample Collection
  • Whereabouts failures

Apply to athletes and athlete support personnel 

  • Possession
  • Administration or Attempted Administration

Apply to athletes, athlete support personnel and other persons 

  • Tampering or Attempted Tampering
  • Trafficking or Attempted Trafficking
  • Complicity or Attempted Complicity
  • Prohibited Association
  • Acts by an Athlete or Other Person to Discourage or Retaliate Against Reporting to Authorities
Supporting athletes to be clean 

100% me

100% me is UK Anti-Doping’s prevention programme and is designed to help you throughout your sporting journey. 100% me supports, informs and educates athletes throughout their careers by providing anti-doping advice and guidance. Find out about 100% me in the dedicated Athlete Zone of the UK Anti-Doping website.

More Here

The Prohibited List

All banned substances and methods in Code-compliant sports are outlined on the Prohibited List, which is updated at the beginning of every calendar year but may also be updated throughout the year. The latest Prohibited List can be found on the WADA website

Read Here

Key advice to staying clean

Understand the importance of checking medications. 

Before taking any medication (whether from a doctor or bought over the counter) you must check it for banned substances. Medications can be checked online at here. It is important to note that medications bought in one country may contain different ingredients to the same branded medication in another country. 

  • Know the risk with using nutritional supplements

You are strongly advised to be very cautious if you choose to take any supplement such as vitamin tablets, energy/sports drinks, or sport-nutrition formulas. This is because there is no guarantee that any supplement is free from banned substances. 

All athletes are advised to assess the need for the use of supplements in the first instance, ideally seeking advice from someone qualified in sports nutrition. All athletes MUST assess the risk before making a decision to use supplements. 

Visit the UK Anti-Doping website for further information , including information on the Informed Sport programme and case studies of athletes who have been caught out. 

  • Apply for a Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) if required

If you need to use a banned substance or method to treat a medical condition, you may have to apply for a TUE. Before doing so Athletes may wish to consult with a medical professional to assess if there are any alternative treatments or medications. 

You can find out more about whether you need a TUE and how to apply for one (including emergency TUEs) here. 

  • Understand what happens in a test (also known as Doping Control)

You should feel prepared when notified that you are to be tested by Doping Control. If you are selected for testing, you should take a representative with you so they can support you. You should know your rights and responsibilities, including what may happen if you are unable to provide a sample. 

UK Anti-Doping recommends that you follow your normal hydration routines and that you follow the instructions given by the Doping Control Officer. You should be prepared to provide details of any substances you have taken – this needs to be written on the Doping Control form. This is your test and your sample, Find out more about testing and your rights and responsibilities in the  100% ME Athlete Zone.

  • Know where to look for support and advice

Please do not hesitate to ask questions about the anti-doping rules. As well as asking your NGB, coaches and support personnel, you may also contact UK Anti-Doping directly, who will be able to answer any questions and provide guidance. 

  • Help keep sport clean

We all have a responsibility to report doping in sport and help keep it clean. A 24-hour dedicated phone line, hosted by Crimestoppers, is ready to take your call if you have any suspicions or concerns about incidences of doping in sport. You can provide information in complete confidence by calling 08000 32 23 32 or via a their website.

All information is passed securely to UK Anti-Doping’s intelligence unit for investigation.  

For more information  

Remember to check all medications on  Global DRO where you can search by ingredients or brand name. 

Assess the risk of supplements on Informed Sport 

You can find information on supplements and ways of reducing the risks on Informed Sport. 

Register with UK Anti-Doping 

If you’re an athlete, coach, support person or parent / carer more information can be found here