Published: 22nd Jun 2023 Images: Scottish Cycling

Active Young People | #TIMETOTALK Thursday

Today we continue our #TimeToTalk Thursday theme ‘Be Active’, this time focusing on young people.   


One of the best things we can do for our mental health and wellbeing, whether young or old, is to be active – it’s a natural mood booster. Our bodies release feel-good hormones when we’re active that can also reduce anxiety, stress – and help us sleep better.    

SAMH have created a Five Ways to Better Wellbeing resource for young people which includes ideas for being active.  Obviously onegreat way of being active for children and young people is cycling!And it can also be a good way of making friends and social connections.   

A great opportunity for young people to get active on their bikes is to take part in‘Experience the World’s’, which are bringing entry level events to every corner of Scotland.  Part of Scottish Cycling’s Ride The World’s programme, that forms part of the official activation for the World Championships, ‘Experience The Worlds’ provides an opportunity for absolutely everyone.  Primarily aimed at getting young people, and their families, on their bikes, the events are all centred round having fun!  

And if that wasn’t enough, everyone who rides an Experience The World’s event up to the 2nd July will be entered into a prize draw to win tickets (two adult, two child in each set) to watch the World Championships in August. If you take part between July and October, there are a whole host of cycling goodies to be won. 

  • You can find more informationon taking partin an Experience the World event here.   
  • If you are a club or community organisation who would like to find out more about running an Experience the World’s event,please contact [email protected] 
  • To find out more about mental health resources for children and young people visit the SAMH website.